
Материал из Тестовая вики

3DCADplus.com is one of the most recognized websites for technical professionals of CAD, CAM, CAE, PLM and Structural Analysis, featured on over 2.000 sites and well positioned in all major search engines; a credible source of industry information and news, which reaches an audience that is not duplicated in other media. The Portal is developed by team of Mechanical Engineers. Since 1999 this site is the reference for CAD Users and for Mechanical Industries who search (and find!) technical information about Software and Hardware. 3DCADplus.com has more than 13000 subscribers to its newsletters and more than 600.000 contacts a month. It’s a unique, invaluable resource for the MCAD community which includes the world's most complete MCAD product catalogue listings, technical papers, MCAD news, multimedia presentations, priority press releases, event postings, job placement and more.
